Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Feeding Vancouver's Homeless 2016

Even though the Mass-IMO website is still undergoing changes, and won't officially resume operation until early 2017, I couldn't allow this event to go on without promoting it.
I've been promoting and attending the annual feeding the homeless events for the past few years, and its never ceases to amaze me.
Today I received, a hand delivered, official 11th annual leaflet (as shown below) detailing this years Servants of Hope event that starts at 6pm on Monday, December 19th.

Sunday, December 04, 2016

Starting To Take Shape

The site is coming along...
As many know this blog was at a standstill when it became overrun with bugs. While I was never able to eliminate these bugs, I did manage to figure out clever ways to circumvent them. It's quite possible these bugs are standard to BLOGGER's code and only become evident after certain tweaking or changes. Whatever the reason for the problems, they seem to be resolved for now (fingers crossed).
I've changed to a new color scheme, which coincidentally I just realized is quite similar to Formula 1's new drivers champion Nico Rosberg's signature color. 
Honestly this must have been done subconsciously, as you'll soon see in upcoming posts (hint,hint).  
There's still so much more that needs to be done before re-launching www.mass-imo.com, but things are starting to take shape.

Thursday, December 01, 2016

Getting Ready For 2017

If you've stumbled onto this site and are a bit confused as to whats happening, let me bring you up to speed. Towards the end of 2015, the interface (BLOGGER) for this site (www.mass-imo.com), was beginning to show glitches in the way it displayed content. I spent months trying to find a solution for these glitches and by mid 2016, I had given up. Not only did I give up on finding a solution for these glitches, but the frustration resulted in the decline of this blog.
In an attempt to regain the enthusiasm I once had for this blog, I decided to start it again fresh, which meant I had to delete everything. Those looking for the old content can surf on over to www.bl-een.com, which is where the content was moved too.
Now that I've deleted all traces of the old www.mass-imo.com, hopefully all the glitches and gremlins will have been dealt with, and I can back to blogging.