Showing posts with label Archived. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Archived. Show all posts

Friday, November 08, 2019

Episode 6: Moral Licensing

Episode 6: Moral Licensing 

Wikipedia describes moral licensing as follows...
Self-licensing (aka noble cause corruption, moral self-licensing, moral licensing, licensing effect, moral credential effect) is a term used in social psychology and marketing to describe the subconscious phenomenon whereby increased confidence and security in one's self-image or self-concept tends to make that individual worry less about the consequences of subsequent immoral behavior and, therefore, more likely to make immoral choices and act immorally.[1][2][3][4][5][6] In simple terms, self-licensing occurs when people allow themselves to indulge after doing something positive first; for example, drinking a diet soda with a greasy hamburger and fries can lead one to subconsciously discount the negative attributes of the meal's high caloric and cholesterol content.[7]

A large subset of this effect, the moral credential effect, is a bias that occurs when a person's track record as a good egalitarian establishes in them an unconscious ethical certification, endorsement, or license that increases the likelihood of less egalitarian decisions later. This effect occurs even when the audience or moral peer group is unaware of the affected person's previously established moral credential. For example, individuals who had the opportunity to recruit a woman or African American person in one setting were more likely to say later, in a different setting, that a job would be better suited for a man or a Caucasian person.[8] Similar effects also appear to occur when a person observes another person from a group they identify with making an egalitarian decision.[9]

Self-licensing can have negative societal consequences since it has a permissive effect on behaviors such as racial prejudice and discrimination, selfishness, poor dietary and health habits, and excessive energy consumption.

Like always, please chime in to the comments and let me know what you think..

Friday, November 01, 2019

Episode 5: Why Socialism Sucks

Episode 5: Why Socialism Sucks

This week I realized once again why I hold a centralist or maybe slightly right of center view. The reason, well because socialism and the lefts view of socialism just sucks.

By socialism I'm referring to a simplistic model as clearly defined by 2b by Merriam-Webster dictionary...

Definition of socialism
1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2a: a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

Well I got married in 2018, which has been a good thing, however my household now has two incomes pushing me out of my modestly low tax bracket. As a result, according to the Canadian government, I was no longer eligible/entitles to a GST tax relief. Also, since I was married in October I was ordered to pay back the years worth of GST tax credit I had already received (that's about $850CDN). I understand the governments position, and upon receiving my assessment notice, quickly proceeded to make arrangement to pay my debt.

But this is not why I hate socialism...

On August 5. 2019 (receiving my notice that I owe $850CDN to revenue Canada) I quickly went online and paid my bill. I received a confirmation number from my bank, and figured I, as a proud and loyal Canadian, had done my part.

This is why I hate socialism...

On September 25, 2019 I receive another letter from revenue Canada, informing me I owe them $850CDN for outstanding GST repayment. The letter also states that if I have already made my payment to simply disregard this letter.
So I disregarded this letter.

This is why I hate socialism...

While extinction rebellion and Greta are all we see on TV, the Canadian government is still frantically chopping down trees, to mail out letters informing me that I owe them money for an already paid bill (which I did online, I might add). (Remember back when wasting paper was a thing? Don't hear about that anymore do we?) But it's all ok right, because come on, they (the Canadian government) offsets their carbon footprint by buying carbon credits, you know, the ones that the guy down the block sells out the back of his van. You know that guy, more famously known as "the guy who sold Jack his beanstalk beans", well he says we're all good, and we believe him, don't we?

On October 25, 2019 I receive another letter from revenue Canada, informing me I owe them $850CDN for outstanding GST repayment. The letter also states that if I have already made my payment to simply disregard this letter.

Worryingly I go online to check my account status with revenue Canada.
Amount owing 0.00
past bill due $850CDN
past bill paid $850.00CDN


So I call the help line, hoping to find out why I am still getting payment notices when I should be receiving a receipt.

Why I hate socialism...

After a 30 minute merry go round with automated switchboards, I then had to wait over an hour to talk to an actual agent.
I finally get through to an actual human agent, and as I'm explaining my situation, they hang up on me. No rhyme or reason, I simply hear a click and then there is no one else on the line with me. I didn't even finish explaining the issue, I was mid sentence and click.
All I could think was "How Dare You" 
Foolishly I sat next to my phone for the next 5 minutes hoping someone would call me back, apologetically appealing for my forgiveness, but alas all for not.

Now to all my friends on the left, is this really what we want to see more of?
Is this the best that we deserve?
Shouldn't we be getting treated better?
Dare I say it, but shouldn't someone get FIRED!
Where is the accountability?

How does it take 2 months to verify a paid bill.
MasterCard & Visa don't operate this way.

Having served the retail industry for 30 years, I can't imagine a business promoting this kind of service and staying in business, well unless its a crown corp, or crown monopoly, but you get my sentiment.

I have watched the left as they say capitalism is bad, capitalism promotes greed, but in my opinion capitalism always gives better service and better quality products or you can simply choose to patronize another establishment, something that was said by socialism...NEVER.

Like always, please chime in to the comments and let me know what you think..

Friday, October 25, 2019

Episode 4: Microwave Potatoe Chips

Episode 4: Microwave Potato Chips

During the research, leading into "What I Learned This Week", I learned another small little tidbit of information. So... stay tuned until the end for a little bonus bit of knowledge.

Besides making popcorn, and reheating leftovers I can't honestly say I don't use the microwave to make anything. Well this may change everything...

Ok so I'm definitely going to try these this weekend, and I'll report back which technique worked better.

**Bonus Information**
Did you know that the plural of potato is potatoes? While I always thought potatoes was the plural form, I was of the understanding that the singular form was potatoe, and I honestly believe this is what was taught in Canadian elementary schools.

Like always, have an opinion?
Leave it in the comments...

Friday, October 18, 2019

Episode 3: Hydraulic Structures are Pretty Dam Weir...d

Hydraulic Structures are Pretty Dam Weir...d

If you ask me, hydraulic structures are pretty dam wier...d. So lets take a look at them.

According to Wikipedia...
A hydraulic structure is a structure submerged or partially submerged in any body of water, which disrupts the natural flow of water. They can be used to divert, disrupt or completely stop the flow. An example of a hydraulic structure would be a dam, which slows the normal flow rate of the river in order to power turbines. A hydraulic structure can be built in rivers, a sea, or any body of water where there is a need for a change in the natural flow of water.[1]

Hydraulic structures may also be used to measure the flow of water. When used to measure the flow of water, hydraulic structures are defined as a class of specially shaped, static devices over or through which water is directed in such a way that under free-flow conditions at a specified location (point of measurement) a known level to flow relationship exists. Hydraulic structures of this type can generally be divided into two categories: flumes and weirs.[2]

A dam is a barrier that stops or restricts the flow of water or underground streams. Reservoirs created by dams not only suppress floods but also provide water for activities such as irrigation, human consumption, industrial use, aquaculture, and navigability. Hydropower is often used in conjunction with dams to generate electricity. A dam can also be used to collect water or for storage of water which can be evenly distributed between locations. Dams generally serve the primary purpose of retaining water, while other structures such as floodgates or levees (also known as dikes) are used to manage or prevent water flow into specific land regions. The earliest known dam is the Jawa Dam in Jordan, dating to 3,000 BC.

A weir /wɪər/ or low head dam is a barrier across the width of a river that alters the flow characteristics of water and usually results in a change in the height of the river level. There are many designs of weir, but commonly water flows freely over the top of the weir crest before cascading down to a lower level.

Have an opinion? 
Leave it in the comments...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Episode 2: Neuron Conduction Velocity = Time?

Neuron Conduction Velocity = Time?

Does growing older slow down our perception of time. Could it be that as we age, the neurons in our brains slow down, and thus we perceive time as speeding up?

You buy into this thesis, or do you have some other explanation as to why time seems to speed up as we age?
Leave it in the comments..

Friday, October 04, 2019

Episode 1: Dunning–Kruger Effect

Why Do Stupid People Think They're Smart?

In the field of psychology, the Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people mistakenly assess their cognitive ability as greater than it is. It is related to the cognitive bias of illusory superiority and comes from the inability of people to recognize their lack of ability. Without the self-awareness of metacognition, people cannot objectively evaluate their competence or incompetence.

As described by social psychologists David Dunning and Justin Kruger, the cognitive bias of illusory superiority results from an internal illusion in people of low ability and from an external misperception in people of high ability; that is, "the miscalibration of the incompetent stems from an error about the self, whereas the miscalibration of the highly competent stems from an error about others

Have an opinion? leave me a comment

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Christmas 2018: Feeding The Homeless

Christmas 2018 marks the 13th return of the annual feeding the homeless at Christmas. It's been a few years now that I've been spreading the world about this great event, and the fantastic job the servants of hope do to ensure its properly staffed and funded. However, for any of you reading who would like to do more, then give Sean a call at 604.720.9335 or email him at and find out what you can do to help this great event. 

Monday, June 04, 2018

The World Is Flat: East Java, Indonesia

We're rebooting "The World Is Flat" category with an older submission from East Java, Indonesia. Here we have Muhammad Haris Effendi (Circa July 2017) showing us his deep commitment to flatland and that the struggles against gravity are real. Good stuff! 

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Danny MacAskill & Claudio Caluori's Home of Trails

It's been a really long time since I showcases a Danny MacAskill video! Thanks to for the heads up.

Hope you all enjoy this.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


It has recently come to my attention, by a loyal follower, that I may have mistakenly spelled Panettone in one of my prior posts. Seeing how this follower was unfamiliar with what Panettone is, or how it was actually spelled, I figured that maybe I should make a follow up entry, to rectify the error. In my defense, regardless of how I spell Panettone, the spell checker I use always defaults Panettone as being spelled wrong, so even when it's spelled right, it displays as being wrong (unhappy face emoji).

Now realistically, it would have probably been easier to simply fix the spelling mistake, but we here at, well we just don't do things the easy way all the time. Nope, that wouldn't be any fun. But I digress,...


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Panettone - Nicolettone 2017 - IMG 7085 (31752542285).jpg
Place of originItaly
Region or stateMilan
Main ingredientsFlourcandied fruitsraisins
 Cookbook: Panettone   Media: Panettone
Panettone (pronounced /ˌpænɪˈtni/;[1][2][3] Italian: [panetˈtoːne]) is an Italian type of sweet bread loaf originally from Milan (in Milanese dialect of the Lombard language it is called panetonpronounced [paneˈtuŋ] or [paneˈtũː]),[4] usually prepared and enjoyed for Christmas and New Year in WesternSouthern and Southeastern Europe as well as in the Horn of Africa,[5] and to a lesser extent in former FrenchSpanish and Portuguese colonies.
It has a cupola shape, which extends from a cylindrical base and is usually about 12–15 cm high for a panettone weighing 1 kg. Other bases may be used, such as an octagon, or a frustum with a star section shape more common to pandoro. It is made during a long process that involves curing the dough, which is acidic, similar to sourdough. The proofing process alone takes several days, giving the cake its distinctive fluffy characteristics. It contains candied orange, citron, and lemon zest, as well as raisins, which are added dry and not soaked. Many other variations are available such as plain or with chocolate. It is served in wedge shapes, vertically cut, accompanied with sweet hot beverages or a sweet wine, such as Asti or Moscato d'Asti. In some regions of Italy, it is served with crema di mascarpone, a cream made from mascarpone, eggs, sometimes dried or candied fruits, and typically a sweet liqueur such as amaretto; if mascarpone cheese is unavailable, zabaione is sometimes used as a substitute.
Efforts are under way to obtain Protected Designation of Origin and Denominazione di origine controllata status for this product, but, as of late 2008, this had not occurred.[6] Italian Agriculture Minister Paolo De Castrowas looking at ways to protect genuine Italian cakes from growing competition in South America and whether action could be taken at the World Trade Organization.


Home made Panettone
In the early 20th century, two enterprising Milanese bakers began to produce panettone in large quantities in the rest of Italy. In 1919, Angelo Motta started producing his eponymous brand of cakes. It was also Motta who revolutionised the traditional panettone by giving it its tall domed shape by making the dough rise three times, for almost 20 hours, before cooking, giving it its now-familiar light texture. The recipe was adapted shortly after by another baker, Gioacchino Alemagna, around 1925, who also gave his name to a popular brand that still exists today.[citation needed] The stiff competition between the two that then ensued led to industrial production of the cake. Nestlé took over the brands together in the late 1990s, but Bauli,[7] an Italian bakery company based in Verona, has acquired Motta and Alemagna from Nestlé.[8]
As a result of this fierce competition, by the end of World War II panettone was cheap enough for anyone and soon became the country's leading Christmas sweet. Lombard immigrants to Argentina and Brazil also brought their love of panettone, and panettone is enjoyed for Christmas with hot cocoa or liquor during the holiday season, which became a mainstream tradition in those countries. In some places, it replaces the King cake.
In Argentina, Brazil (Panetone in Brazilian Portuguese), Chile (see: Pan de Pascua), EcuadorColombiaVenezuelaBolivia, and Peru (known in Spanish as "Panetón" or "Pan Dulce"). Peru's Antonio D'Onofrio, son of immigrants hailing from CasertaItaly, spawned his own brand using a modified form of the Alemagna formula (e.g., candied papaya is used instead of candied citron and lemon, as these fruits are not available in Peru), which he licensed along with the packaging style. This brand is now also owned by Nestlé and exported throughout South America. In recent years, Brazilian Panettone have increased in quality and in popularity due to their low cost and abundance.
Italian food manufacturing companies and bakeries produce 117 million panettone and pandoro cakes every Christmas — worth 579 million euros.[9] There is an event in Milan since 2013 that awards the Best Traditional Panettone of Italy. In 2016 the prize was awarded to Giuseppe Zippo, from Salento.
Panettone is also very popular in Australia owing to the large number of Italian immigrants, and in some places, supermarkets make large displays of panettone near the front of the shop. Some non-Italians may use it as an alternative to the somewhat stodgier Christmas Cake.
By 2011 panettone had become popular in the UK.[10][11]


a typical panettone
In Italy panettone comes with an often varied history, but one that invariably states that its birthplace was Milan. The word "panettone" derives from the Italian word "panetto", a small loaf cake. The augmentative Italian suffix "-one" changes the meaning to "large cake".
The origins of this cake appear to be ancient, dating back to the Roman Empire, when ancient Romans sweetened a type of leavened cake with honey.[citation needed]
A legend tells of a story that takes place in the 15th century when Ludovico il Moro was the Duke of Milan. It begins, one evening when the Duke's cook was asked to prepare a delicious banquet, for himself and a number of nobles. The cook was successful in his feast, however, he had forgotten about the dessert in the oven, which had burnt by the time he realized.
The cook was in despair but thankfully the little kitchen boy, Toni, suggested using the sweet cake he had made for himself in the morning using flour, butter, eggs, lime zest, and raisins. The cook was afraid he had no other solutions, so agreed to offer the cake to the guests. They both nervously stood behind the door to see the reactions of the Duke's friends.
To the cook's relief, everybody loved the cake. The Duke enjoyed it so much that he asked for its name. The cook responded "L'è 'l pan de Toni", meaning 'the bread of Toni'. The name has since evolved to Panettone.
Throughout the ages this "tall, leavened fruitcake" makes cameo appearances in the arts: It is shown in a sixteenth-century painting by Pieter Brueghel the Elder and is possibly mentioned in a contemporary recipe book written by Italian Bartolomeo Scappi, personal chef to popes and emperors during the time of Charles V. The first recorded association of panettone with Christmas can be found in the Italian writings of 18th century illuminist Pietro Verri. He refers to it as "Pan de Ton" (luxury bread).[12]


Though the etymology of the word 'panettone' is rather mundane, three more complex and fanciful folk etymologies have arisen.[13] It is also thought that one of the ecclesiastical brothers, Fr. Antonio, who always wore the proper hat, was fond of this Pane. The ecclesiastical hat Pane Tone was later adopted as the shape, which gave rise to Panettone. This derivation received credence and acceptability at the turn of the century, and is likely to be the foreunner of the more recent Christmas cake.[citation needed] Gianrian Carli in "Il Caffè" makes passing reference to panettone in 1850 in discussion with Pietro Verri and alludes to a clerical hat. Prof. S Reynders. Dipartimento di Scienze del Linguaggio, Università Ca'Foscari (1987).
One suggests that the word derives from the Milanese, "pan del ton", meaning "cake of luxury".

Monday, February 26, 2018

Looking For Game Consoles To Modify/Hack

Hey all you viewers!

I'm looking to do some game console modding articles. 

I'm looking for cheap to free older game consoles that I can use to experiment on. I'm really looking for a Playstation 2 (fat/phat) donation, but really anything old to tinker on would be helpful.

So if you have any old gaming consoles or handhelds that you're thinking of throwing out, contact me, maybe we can save them from going to the landfill.

Where Have I Been? The Aftermath

After all the excitement surrounding the proposal, and Christmas, I'm also a January baby, so I celebrated a birthday as well.

So now we're in full wedding planning swing, and I have to begin planning Birthday celebrations for Nadia.

Now many of you may be asking, what happened to all the other posts? Where are all the World is flat updates (it's not like the world went round overnight), or all the tech related posts. and I have to say that they will eventually make it out. However, I am having a serious issue working on my tech articles, because I'm unable to get parts, It seems any parts I order that crosses the Pacific Ocean, never seems to get to me. I'm also unable to source the items locally, and if I do it's at an extortionately high price. So I ask all you out there, what should I do? Is there some other option out there to get electronic parts cheap here in Vancouver?

Did I also mention we've started home renovations, which is also limiting my ability to craft technology related posts, as my garage/workshop is an utter mess.

But, stay tuned, because as I get more free time, I will continue to post.

Thanks for being patient everyone!

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Where Have I Been? The Proposal

After all the hi-jinx with getting a wedding ring, then seeking Nadia's fathers blessing, I was finally back in Vancouver and can now concentrate on the actual proposal, and I actually had a plan...

Nadia's sister Daniela and her husband Ryan were coming into town for Christmas, from Victoria on December 22nd, and I knew I wanted to use them to help in the proposal. You see, regardless of what religious or statutory holiday a long weekends fall on, we being the four of us (Me, Nadia,Daniela, and Ryan), seem to have our own traditions that we do when they come into town...

1) Go for Sushi
Sushi seems to be something everyone enjoys eating. It's diverse offerings can easily accommodate the most strictest of dietary restrictions while still satisfying the palette. I'm also of the belief, from personal trial and error, that Victoria even though surrounded by water and fish, really has sub par Sushi (just saying).

2). Go for Ernest Ice Cream
Usually a summer thing, where after dinner we drive to any of the local Ernest Ice Cream locations, grab some ice cream and go for a leisurely stroll. Ernest offers a variety of unique flavours as well as a whole offering of vegan options.

3) Play Video Games
Usually after a nice evening stroll, we strap in for some intense, bragging rights inspired, video gaming. This usually consists of games on the original Xbox, or the Nintendo Wii

With the above knowledge in hand, I devised the plan that what would ultimately set the stage for the proposal. Since the weather in December was so bad, and we couldn't possibly go for a evening stroll, I took it upon myself to acquired some Ernest Ice Cream in take home pints(as shown above), with each person getting their preferred flavour.

I brought home the Ernest Ice Cream pints, and scooped out enough ice cream from Nadia's pint, so as to fit the ring inside. Originally I wanted to fit both the ring and box inside the pint's jar, but the ring box wouldn't fit. Instead I had to improvise, so I searched for a way to shelter the ring from getting all messy in ice cream while hidden in the ice cream jar. Luckily for me, it was the Christmas season and we had all our gift wrapping supplies handy, where I managed to find a balloon, just big enough to fit the ring into. I stretched the balloon over the ring, and tied it closed, then dropped it into the carved out hole in the ice cream pint, and then began to re-fill with ice cream. Ok, so here is where I ran into problems, you see when they fill pints at Ernest, they have a machine, which fills uniformly without making a mess, unlike my attempt. I got as much melted ice cream back into the container, and returned the pint to the freezer to sit adjacent the other pints. At this point the stages was set.

Fast forward to December 23rd, and we had just finished having dinner (sushi, go figure) and I suggest we have Ice Cream for dessert. At first Nadia didn't want any dessert, and luckily we all peer pressured her into having some. Then she opens her pint of ice cream and instantly notices that it doesn't look right. WTF... Why is it, in all the romantic comedies, plans go off without a hitch, yet I'm struggling to get through one simple dessert!

Apparently in my haste to put the melting ice cream back into its container, I didn't recreate the "famous" dollop peak found in Ernest Ice Cream pints. Thankfully, Daniela convinced Nadia to scoop some out and see if the texture is the same, if not we would return it.

So some ice cream gets scooped out of the pint and into a bowl, exposing the balloon covered ring and the excitement ensues.

She said yes, for those still wondering

Friday, February 02, 2018

Where Have I Been? Being Anti-Feminist

Following up from my last post, you would think I'd be moving right into the proposal, but you see life has it's own plans, as I'll explain.

The original proposal plan was to visit Nadia's parents in Osoyoos. While there I would find some reason to go out for dinner, I would ask her father for his permission to marry his daughter (against my better judgment, I'm with all you feminists on this one) then with ring in hand I would make a grand proposal at some time during dinner.

Normally I would like to be a bit better prepared, but as Nadia and I were planning to visit her parents, I was secretly planning the proposal behind her back. Unfortunately completion of the ring had been delayed, and there was just no way of having the ring for our trip to Osoyoos.

Despite a ruined proposal, our trip to Osoyoos wasn't a complete failure. We managed to start a tradition by bring up some Panetone, how many remember last years prank? We took in a rather lack luster Osoyoos Christmas Parade, who's grande attraction was the towns addition of 3 new fire trucks (for those counting that brought the total of parade vehicles up to 7). Sorry Osoyoos, but a 7 vehicle procession just didn't strike me as parade worthy, I still love your town, just not your parades (just saying). I also managed to sum up the courage to ask Nadia's father Joe, for his blessing in marrying his daughter. Now before I get flamed for my anti-feminist views, in my defense I was merely looking to follow in a slightly more traditional/conventional approach so as to not insult Joe. Joe's response would inevitably give the feminist movement the slam dunk they so rightfully deserved, as he told me something along the lines of "you're gonna have to convince her yourself, but if she's ok with it, then I'm ok with it." Not exactly the heartwarming, welcome to the family, response I was expecting, but then again served me right.

So what about the proposal? Stay tuned...

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Where Have I Been? Well.. The Ring

Since my last post, life, the coaster we know with its undulating highs and lows has had my head spinning. It all started during a dinner conversation back in mid 2017. Nadia, my girlfriend, and I had met up for dinner with some of Nadia's friend. The conversation quickly turned to the future and questions about when, if ever, would we get married. Our current relationship status has been "happily living in sin" for the past 3 years, so I found myself shying away from the whole formal wedding discussion. You can imaging my surprise when Nadia responded to the dinner table something along the lines that she, at this point would be satisfied with a ring and a trip to city hall. Thinking back, this may have very well been a Machiavellian honey vs vinegar scenario, which I may have completely fallen for.

Soon after our dinner party I began the process of sourcing an engagement ring, which proved slightly more difficult than expected. While I knew exactly what Nadia wanted in an engagement ring (we've been together for almost a decade now), I also wanted it to reflect my personality as well. While I found many styles online, that appealed to me, I wasn't comfortable with the whole online engagement ring purchase scenario. Many jewelry retailers were limited to showcasing their in house designs, and few if any could accommodate a custom made design.

I enlisted the aid of Daniela, Nadia's sister, who, as luck would have it, had recently made a connection to a jewelry broker, that specialized in custom design pieces. This jewelry broker was a "by appointment and by referral only" type establishment, which made setting up an appointment difficult, as Daniela lives on Vancouver Island.

Eventually, an appointment was established, and the brokers in house artist was able to extract the engagement/wedding ring/band idea, that had been floating around in my head. From the artists rendering, a intricate wax casting was created. A mold was made from the wax casting and finally, after a few months, the ring(s) were ready!

Now came preparations for the proposal...